Guess where the unused leaves from the tilapia went?This is the third dish I prepared. Oh, that was October 11. Haven't been really cooking that much lately. Slight touch of lazy. Right now, I'm baking some pork ribs. I'll see how that'll turn out. It's a BBQ, but I'm mixing hoisin sauce and white wine vinegar, along with other sauces from the ref. :-) I'll post it when I get to take a nice photo.
Back to the molo soup.I got a traditional recipe, and since I had some unused camote leaves, I thought I might as well try putting them in the soup. Didn't ruin it. :-) Again, I forgot to take a photo. Oh well.
Mix together some chopped spring onions,
ground pork, a few
chopped shrimps, plus a few drops of
premium soy sauce and
sesame oil. Hey, it's not bad to have the cheap brown salty soy sauce around, but from time to time, use the good kind ok? Wrap in
wonton wrappers to make about 15 or more, depending on how much soup you want to make.

Boil a piece of chicken breast and shred. Save the broth, you have to have at least a liter.
chopped onions and
garlic. Add the shredded chicken and stir for a few seconds. Pour in the broth and let it boil. Throw in the dumplings and boil for a few minutes. Add a few
whole, peeled shrimps,

cook for a few minutes more and turn off the flame. Add the
camote leaves and if you have some more chopped spring onions and leeks left over from the fish, throw those in as well.

That's it!