WITH Turkish Saffron. Don't exactly know what kind of flavor it added, but the overall taste was nice and a little woody. Good wood, haha. And the sauce looked pretty, with the tiny red stringy bits. I think this is healthy too.

Cut up around 8-10 medium-sized
tomatoes and boil them. No need to add water. This will be your very own healthier, homemade tomato sauce. When it's cooking, lower the flame and stir from time to time because it easily burns. Give it about 45 minutes to an hour.
WHEN the tomatoes are just about done stewing, Chop some
garlic, a little
celery and
carrots. Sauté in
olive oil, add a
can of tuna, stir well, add the tomatoes, stir some more. Pour some
mushroom water (soak some
shiitake mushroom in hot water and use the water. You can chop up the mushrooms and put it in the sauce too!). Reduce the liquid. Season with ground
black pepper,
celery salt, fresh
basil leaves and
Turkish saffron. Keep stirring till the sauce thickens. That's it.

Don't forget to cook some good
pasta while doing this.
If you want a stronger basil taste, add it to the tomatoes when you stew them.