This is cooked twice. First in the oven, then fried (in a little olive oil. Haha, my feeble attempt at being healthy). Not sure if there are recipes out there like this one, but hey, it tasted good in my head, so might as well try it in real life.
Get a few squid. Clean well -- set aside the head, remove all traces of ink, pull out the plastic-looking "skeleton".
Mix together some ground pork (how much you get depends on how many squids you'll have to stuff), finely chopped spring onions and bell pepper, about a tablespoon or more of garlic powder (was too lazy to crush and chop fresh garlic), a little salt and pepper. Oh, you can throw in a spoonful of pickle relish to twist the flavor. Chop the squid head and throw it into the mix. Leave it for a few minutes for the flavor to come together.
Stuff the mix in the squid, lock the open end with toothpick and bake (280˚C) for 30 minutes or until a lot of juice has seeped out of the squid. I set the oven to high setting so I'm like grilling the squid more than baking it.
When that's done, I just fry them in a little oil to brown the skin a bit so they look good.
That's it! Just slice and serve. Dip it in sweet chili sauce or tomato catsup.